the day started at 8.20 or so… had to mess up with the so-called primary things b4 running to the mess(canteeen)…..
though i’m not used to takeup breakfast (had some just 4-5days prior to this during the last 40days) i had to, bcoz i was on medication for fever…
anyway, had some bread, omlette, bananas b4 running to class, just to find that i’m late by a minuter or two for the 8.45 class… thanks to prof., i was let in (though the chances are rare) (the T.A-teaching assistant-might be on hawk-eye to reduce some c.p marks for attendance or late practise)…
i had an interval of a session (from 10.20-11.35) as we were not having that particular subject… I took advantage of the same to have a SIESTA in my friend’s room (which is nearby to the class) so as to join back at 11.55…
though he called me at 11.40, i thought i’ll have just another 5minutes more b4 running again……. that was it…… and finally came the knock of Deepak(the same friend) just 10minutes to 2pm… with a “GLAD” news of QUIZ at 2.30pm….. (all’s well that ends well, and here i didnt missed the quiz :) )
so, today is the first day @ WIMWI for me to “be late to class” and “be not to class”…….. …..OLD HABITS DIE HARD……
the beginning was good though… but sure not to end here… let’s wait n watch
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