Hanuman Temples at Khadia and Neb Sarai in Ahmedabad in Gujarat is believed to help in getting Visas. So how does Hindu Temples get the Visa tag? A few devotees pray for a particular wish at a temple and when those wishes are fulfilled; word spreads and devotees throng these temples. Annually, thousands of Indians apply for migration Visas and then proceed to temples which they believe will help in an early Visa approval. 400-year-old Visa Hanuman Temple in Ahmedabad is one such temple and another new temple that is receiving lot of Visa devotees is the seven-month old Chamatakarik Shree Hanuman Ji Ka Mandir in Neb Sarai.
The famous 400-year-old Visa Hanuman Temple in Ahmedabad is located at Desai Ni Pol in Khadia
Hindustan Times reports about the New Visa Hanuman Temple in Ahmedabad
In the serpentine, narrow lanes of Neb Sarai, the god resides especially to aid the visa applicants: or so the devotees believe. Supposedly modelled on the 400-year-old ‘Visa Hanuman’ temple in Ahmedabad, the Chamatakarik Shree Hanuman Ji Ka Mandir in Neb Sarai was established seven months ago.
The temple gets hordes of people coming every day for their ‘visa difficulties’.
“I heard about this temple from a friend, who is now settled in New Zealand. He said that going there and praying helps. So I have come to this temple as for me going abroad is very important,” said Harvinder Singh Sekhon, who was at the temple with a sheaf of documents in hand.
Rekha Jain, an astrologer who runs her consultation from the temple, said: “Hanumanji helps everyone in need. Here, we just tell people to pray to him and ask them to chant a specific mantra. That is all. If going abroad in their destiny they will definitely go. It is all about believing in God.”
The entire thing is done free of cost, she said. “We do not ask for anything or charge anything. If they want they can offer laddoos and bananas to him.”
But the ‘visa’ tag has its disadvantages. “People think it is us who help getting visa which is not true. It is just a temple where they can pray and ask for God’s help,” Jain said.
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